New website coming
We've been quiet the last two seasons—for obvious reasons! But now, with Japan opening up again, we're excited to get going again, and will have our new website up shortly with lots of information for the coming season. We're looking forward to getting out in the Myoko backcountry with you! In the meantime, please contact us at if you have any questions, requests, etc.
Looking forward to seeing you soon in Myoko!
Software Update for Tracker 2 Transceivers:
Free at Dancing Snow!
Backcountry Access (BCA) has announced a software update for the world-renowned Tracker 2 transceiver, one of the most popular and reliable units available. The update improves transceiver performance in low-power mode, a special feature of the unit. This is not a recall or a mandatory upgrade, but an upgrade to ensure the best possible functioning of your unit. Upgrades will be available free of charge through Dancing Snow, a BCA authorized dealer.
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If a user leaves a Tracker 2 in the powered-on state for more than 12 hours with no input, it automatically switches to the low-power mode to conserve battery life. It then emits an audible beep every two minutes. Along with saving power, this also lets people know if a unit has inadvertently been left on while in storage.
Most people will probably never use this mode, turning their beacon on in the morning or at the trailhead for a transceiver check, then shutting down the unit at the end of the day. However, when entering the low-power mode, the transmit pulse can vary slightly from international standards. So, while there have been no accidents or problems associated with this fact, and only one other transceiver has had any problem in picking up signals from the Tracker 2, every owner should update the software in their Tracker 2.
For more details, these links will give you the
official release from BCA on the update, and an
FAQ sheet as well.
To update your transceiver, just contact us at, or call at 090-1433-1247. You can send your Tracker 2 transceiver cash-on-delivery by your favorite delivery service; we’ll update the software and return the transceiver to you free of charge.
BOA repairs at Dancing Snow
See us if you need a new wire! The BOA closure system found on snowboard boots, our Tubbs snowshoes, boots, golf shoes, running shoes and a whole lot more is a tough, clever way to get tightly into your footwear.
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The wires can break (apparently the twist unit can get bashed to death by some of you mad tree bouncers)—although it doesn't happen that often. If it does, just come by Dancing Snow. We've been trained, we have the parts (which are free), and we can get you back in pristine form and ready to head back out on the hill. The labor will be affordable, too—just buy a beer and relax while we rethread the wires! (or a coffee, or a new BCA avalanche transceiver. We aren't fussy). Let us know if we can help!
Lots of fun stuff for the snow Dancing Snow is here to guide you up into the mountains, but we're also ready with a variety of things you'll need to be safe and have fun when you're traveling in the hills:

· Topographic maps of the area, with English key (above; so you know which hill is which!)
· BCA snow safety gear: beacons, shovels, probes, airbags
· K2 skis, poles, boots
· Tubbs snowshoes
· Fits ski and hiking socks
· Ultra-light Blue Ice ski-use harnesses
· Myoko-original items from Maruni Jeans
Get your new skis! Ready for some new skis just right for the Myoko snows? You can get those shiny new boards
right here at Dancing Snow!
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We can get you set up with all the skis from K2 and Line, put on the bindings of your choice, get them waxed and ready and hold them here for you until you come to visit! We can also ship around Japan as well.
And, if you like, we can also store your skis right here in Myoko for you over the summer. We’ll put on a thick summer wax to protect the edges and bases, store them, then have them ready for the coming season. Just contact us at if you'd like more information, or want to place an order.
We also carry the full line of BCA snow safety equipment, K2 and BCA poles, helmets, skins, Tubbs snowshoes, and some fun Myoko-original clothing and goods in our center.